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Vava Coffee Ltd. Company Profile

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Company Name: Vava Coffee Ltd.
Company Type: Certified B Corporation
Company Website: www.WWW.VAVACOFFEEINC.COM
Company Mission:

VAVA COFFEE – a Social enterprise that exports, roasts and consults on coffee value chains, whose main aim is to contribute to better future prospects for coffee communities and the industry as a whole. The company ensures sustainable livelihoods for the people and communities in which it works. The farmers from whom Vava sources coffee are paid a fair and above-market price for the specialty coffee, ensuring sustainable livelihoods. Moreover, communities and disadvantaged individuals are integrated into the supply chain where possible to create job opportunities, the company also works with women and youth in informal settlements, who sew cloth pouches for Vava’s Coffee. The goal is to provide an opportunity for the marginalized to move out of poverty and take a step towards self-sufficiency.The company's vision is to challenge the status quo and promote positive social disruption within the Coffee industry. This vision comes from an inborn passion by the founder and a drive to promote the sustainable production of coffee within Kenya’s and the wider East African region by tracing the production of high quality coffee beans to the independent small holder coffee farmer, who works day in and day out, against major obstacles and with meager resources.

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